Winchester KS Midweek

Following the demise of Winchester KS as a Saturday club side with an illustrious history, winning the Southern League the European indoor championships and even being mentioned by Richie Benaud on the TV (something about the 3rd team which at that point was defunct). The midweek team has continued over the summers with 5, 7, 9 and sometimes even 11 players just to keep it all going.

This site is for anyone who wants to chip in, chirp, slate,sledge, slag off or generally contribute to the general diatribe that is on the tinterweb.

Pictures from prior to the demise of Weekend Matches

Click on any to see more detail

A Titchbourne Final

Back Row LR Clive Patchell, Martin Taylor, Stuart Marks, Chris Wheeler,Dave Adams,Paul Baker, David James, Andy Worth.
Front Row, Steve Collar, Paul Marks, Jimmy Taylor, Dave Greetham, Nige Bungay.

Another Titchbourne final

Winchester 2nds in the late 90's

Chuckie makes an appearance and takes a five for.

Bakes moving his joints for Winchester against Hursley before eventually joining them.

Surprised it got to the last ball with buffet bowling

Billy Big stride Baker using the text book

Jason Dodd adapting to a different game bowling at Bakes.
Dodd only scored a hundred later on in the afternoon.

Baker Straker looking intelligent

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